Arx Pagus IC Laws
Updated May 25, 2013
*We are initially opening with IC draft laws for Arx Pagus while we can find what fits our style and allow others the opportunity for input.
Each Gorean Homestone was a city-state unto its' self. Laws and moral principles geared towards the needs of each city-state. What was acceptable in one Homestone was not acceptable in another Homestone. The same principle applies in Arx Pagus. You may not like these laws and/or you may not agree with them, but they are the laws we use.
Keep in mind we are RURAL. There are NO Well-to-Do or Rich Goreans in Arx Pagus.
Free Men, Free Women, Slaves
- Respect for all person(s) and their character(s) is a must.
- We are an RP area and combat is not allowed.
- Raids are not allowed at this time
- We are a non-perma death RP area. You only die if you want to. Exceptions to non-perma death are those imposed by the Civil Authority.
- Free Men are stronger than any female.
- Keep IC role play in local chat...OCC chat to IMs.
- Alts might be allowed ONLY if approved by the Administrator.
- Approved Alts used for malice purposes will be banned as well as the main character.
- DO NOT read tags or use any profile information unless that information is expressed to you in RP.
- Please put any personal RP limits in your SL Profile.
- Respect the RP limits of all those in Arx Pagus
- Village Group tags are given for those, who desire and are approved to be a permanent part of the village.
- Village Farm tags are given to those, who are a permanent part of the village and have taken on a low caste G&S production role.
- Tavern tags are given to those, who wish to a permanent part of the group and serve in the tavern.
- Village and Tavern slaves, for the most part, are owned by the Tavern and/or Village and not on private chains.
- Village and Tavern slaves may be available for sale to private owners.
- Slave sales are made using G&S Coin.
- Village and Tavern slaves may be assigned to serve to serve the Free in various tasks.
- Heinous crimes, such as murder and rape, do not exist.
- Civil Authority carries out arrests, trials, and punishment.
- Limited use of Non-Playing Characters (NPC) is allowed under certain conditions.
- Free Women's protectors
- Children (no child AVs are allowed)
- All discordant action(s) between two or more parties should be role played out to a conclusion agreeable to all parties involved.
- Roll a dice if you can't agree on who wins through RP.
- Dice are available on the G&S Role Play Hud. Givers can be found in the Tavern and the Village.
- If you can't RP or dice it out to an agreeable conclusion, submit the information to an administrator or moderator, who will make the final decision if an action succeeded or failed and by which party.
Free Men
- Weapons are for show...not damage.
- Wear only low lag weaponry.
Free Women
- Free Women are not allowed to use any type of weapon in Arx Pagus.
- Limited use of an (NPC) as your protector is allowed.
- You will be arrested for using weapon, tried, and punished.
- Slaves are not allowed to use weapons of any sort.
- You may use knives, scythes, and other chore driven items.
- You will be arrested and immediately impaled if found using a weapon against a Free person.
- Owners have no recompense for this crime.
There is absolutely no excuse for bad manners, disrespect, god modding, metagaming by ANYONE, in ANY role, to another person(s) in Arx Pagus.
- Expected to be honorable at all times to all persons.
- Respect Free Women and Slaves.
- Free Women are not slaves do not treat them like one.
- Free Women are the weaker sex and must be protected.
- Free Women are not collared because they argue, are sassy, rude, or, strike a free man with bare hands or shod feet.
- No Force Collaring
- No Face Stripping
- Rape of a Free Woman is unheard of and will be dealt with severely.
- Responsible for the behavior of any slave(s) owned. Their behavior reflects upon you and your honor.
- If bad slave behavior is reported, you are expected to take steps to see it doesn't happen again.
- Continued bad slave behavior will result in owner and slave(s) exiled from the Village.
- Slaves are not required to stop and greet the Free.
- Slaves are not lawn ornaments and not required to kneel when greeting.
- If a slave kneels to greet you, it is out of respect to you not because they are forced to.
- Report any bad behavior of a slave to the appropriate owner, who will take the appropriate action.
- Punish the property you own as you see fit not the property of others.
- Village and Tavern slaves are owned by and property of the Tavern or the Village. If they require punishment, report the infraction to the Tavern Master. He will see the appropriate punishment is given for the infraction.
Free Women
- Expected to be honorable at all times.
- Display high moral fiber and behavior regardless of your caste.
- Respect Free Men and slaves.
- Are ruled and subservient to men.
- Should never act like a slave, especially in public
- Have limited rights as a Free Woman, but you do have rights unlike slaves, who have no rights.
- Responsible for the behavior of any slave owned. Their behavior reflects upon you and your honor.
- If bad slave behavior is reported, you are expected to take steps to see it doesn't happen again.
- Continued bad slave behavior will result in owner and slave(s) exile from the Village.
- Showing "slave-like" behaviors will see you arrested, tried, and possibly collared as a slave.
- Slaves are not required to stop and greet the Free.
- Slaves are not lawn ornaments and not required to kneel when greeting.
- If a slave kneels to greet you, it is out of respect to you not because they are forced to.
- Report any bad behavior of a slave to the appropriate owner, who will take the appropriate action.
- Punish the property you own as you see fit not the property of others.
- Village and Tavern slaves are owned by and property of the Tavern or the Village. If they require punishment, report the infraction to the Tavern Master. He will see the appropriate punishment is given for the infraction.
- Expected to portray and display a submissive slave role at all times...including bonds.
- We are in the Southern part of Gor. Slaves in this part of Gor are called kajira, kajirae, kajirus. The term bond(s) or thrall is reserved for those living in the North.
- Bonds have no special rights here and are required to act like kajirae.
- Are submissive to the Free at all times.
- Are expected to be quiet, listen, and not the center of attention when Free are present.
- Respect Free Men and Free Women.
- Your behavior reflects on your owner.
- Disrespect, bad, or unslavelike behavior will be reported to your owner for punishment.
- Village and Tavern slaves are owned by and property of the Tavern or the Village. If an infraction is reported, you will be punished by Tavern Master. He will see the appropriate punishment is given for the infraction you created.
- Slaves are not Free Women and should not act like one.
- Slaves are slaves. They worked hard and served the Free. They did not dawdle, they did not argue, and did not laze around. If you need something to do, you will be assigned jobs.
- Village and Tavern slaves are for sale to the Free (if all parties agree) for G&S Coin.
- Village and Tavern slaves may be loaned to the Village Free to assist with chores and tasks.
- Village slaves may be assigned to assist in the Tavern.
- Slaves are not required to stop and greet the Free if busy. However, to not use this as an excuse to not interact with the Free. You may be called on it and punished.
- Slaves do not have to kneel when greeting; however, it is good manners and shows you respect a person when you do so.
- You should greet your Owner (regardless if man or woman) first, then other Free men, then kajirus, then other kajirae
- Slaves DO NOT greet each other as "Sister" or "Sissy" in public. Do it in IMs.
- DO NOT greet another kajira by their first name unless you have been introduced and/or know that person.
- Unless otherwise instructed by your owner(s)
- Tower when Free Women are present (alone or mixed group).
- Nadu when only Free men are present.
- White Silks should always Tower regardless.
Free Men
- Weapons may be visible and worn (must be low lag)
- Are not allowed to cover their face.
- We are rural so wear what is in keeping with the countryside.
- Only the Civil Authority can determine if a Free Woman is improperly dressed.
- Free Women are not required to wear veils or gloves; however, High Caste Free Women should wear them.
Free Women
- Long Gorean Dresses are required.
- No pants outfits allowed.
- Some chest/cleavage may be shown on Low Caste women. However, showing too much skin/cleavage. you will be arrested, tried, and punished by the Civil Authority.
- High Caste Women would always wear a face veil, gloves, and show no skin.
- Free Women of ALL castes wore shoes. Only slaves went barefoot.
- Low Heeled boots or flat slipped shoes should be worn.
- No pierced ears. Only slaves had pierced ears.
- If you have pierced ears, make sure you carry manumission papers on you.
Veils & Glove Laws
- Low caste women work the fields and do other dirty jobs when slave are not available or owned by her family. You are not required to wear a veil or gloves. However, both gloves and veils MUST BE worn when...
- When traveling away from the Village
- Visiting a public house, such as the Inn/Tavern
- Attending public events or celebrations
- Required to be worn by their Father, male guardian or, Free Companion.
- When an Initiate is staying in or around the village.
- High caste women always wears a veil regardless where they.
- Village slaves are required to wear camisks or be naked outside their owner's residence. IF your owner was rich enough to buy a slave silks, he or she would not be living in Arx Pagus.
- Village owned slaves are required to wear camisks or be naked at all times.
- Tavern slaves are required to be naked or, wear a sirik when serving/dancing in the tavern.
- Slaves may wear "silks" in the privacy of their Owner's home or on special public occasions in the Village.
- Visiting slave or those passing through may wear what their owner requires them to wear since they are not doing farm labor.
Slave Ownership
Free Men & Free Women
- Village slaves are required to have ownership papers on file with the Civil Authorities
- Up-to-date Slave examinations and serum shot records should be on file.
- We will accept and acknowledge ownership papers, examinations, and shot records from most Gorean RP sim.
- We do not force collar slaves.
- Slaves would not have copies or access to their ownership papers and would not be carrying them around if they did.
- Slaves owned elsewhere may visit; however, to become a permanent part of the village requires permission from their owner, who is STILL RESPONSIBLE for the slaves behavior.
- To be a slave in Arx Pagus, you are required to have an owner.
- If you have no owner, you must petition to become a slave of the Village or Tavern.
- If you become a slave of the Village or the Tavern, DOES NOT mean you will be on that role player's permanent or private slave chain. It simply means you are a part of the village and reportable to that person.
- Village and Tavern slaves are available for public use and will be loaned out to various merchants and castes in the village.
- Village and Tavern slaves may be sold to private individuals (if agreeable to all parties concerned)
- We use G&S coin for slave sales.
- We do not Force Collar.
For those wishing to participate in the Arx Pagus economy, you will are required to wear the G&S Role Play Hud for use of coin and doing certain tasks that require energy. Unlike other Huds, this one does not require you spend eons of work to maintain health.
We are currently working out the economics for use with the RP. A certain stipend will be allotted to permanent Village roles for trading/selling of products.
Free Men
- Slaves, when available (and agreeable) can be purchased for G&S coin.
- Slaves owned by the Village or Tavern can have services purchased for sort term use.
- Money may be placed in a bag around their neck or in their mouths (i.e. given coin to pay for purchases).
- If a merchant sells something to a slave and they have no coin, the owner is required to visit the merchant and pay the bill.
- Failure to pay a merchant is considered a crime.
Free Women
- Slaves, when available (and agreeable) can be purchased for G&S coin.
- Slaves owned by the Village or Tavern can have services purchased for sort term use.
- Money may be place in a bag around their neck or in their mouths (i.e. given coin to pay for purchases).
- If a merchant sells something to a slave and they have no coin, the owner is required to visit the merchant and pay the bill.
- Failure to pay a merchant is considered a crime.
- Slaves, when available (and agreeable) can be purchased for G&S coin.
- Slaves owned by the Village or Tavern can have services purchased for sort term use.
- Are NOT allowed to touch coins or money.
- Money may be place in a bag around their neck or in their mouths (i.e. given coin to pay for purchases).
- When using G&S coin, slaves should give any coins they earn to their owner.
- It is your owner(s) responsibility to see debts are paid.
Pregnancy And Breeding
Fertility, pregnancy, and breeding would have been a natural way of life in the wilderness of Gor, where the population would be small. and require more hands to help with the work. After much consideration, we have decided to allow the realism for both Free Women and slaves under certain restrictions.
- The use of Mama Allpa Pregnancy Hud is allowed for a woman's cycle and contraception. If you are interested in using it, you can purchase it at the main Mama Allpa store.
- Other Huds may be used; however, we do not have the funds currently to support them.
- The Mamma Allpa Force Add On is allowed but could prove to have consequences if turned on.
- Someone in the Village will have have the means to test for pregnancies for the Mama Allpa Hud, when needed; however, it may not be a qualified Healer nor someone involved in Arx Pagus RP.
- Due to our small nature, we may not have a permanent Healer at our disposal to deliver babies.
- If we do have a Healer, please be respectful of their time and pre-schedule your births with him/her.
- If we do not have a Healer, a woman would do the best they can with the help of other women or slaves.
- If you wish to role play a birthing with a Healer, and
we do not have one, you may wish to consider traveling to other parts
of Gor to actually deliver.
- Birthing facilities for Free Women will be available in the Healer's home/infirmary.
- Birthing facilities for Slaves will be available in the bosk stables behind the Tavern.
Free Men
- Drive-by insemination of the Mama Allpa Force Add-On is not allowed. It is rude and disrespectful and could see you charged with rape.
- Slaves may be bred for sale IF their offspring is sold outside the village and immediately disposed of at birth.
- Breeding slaves should only be bred by enslaved males not their owners.
- The allowance of a slave's pleasure during breeding will be seen as a violation of Free Companion laws.
- Slaves being bred should be done in private.
- Freeing a slave merely to give birth to a Free child then recollaring that slave is not allowed.
- If you wish to free a slave to have a Free child, you are required to Free Companion and file the paper work before the child is born.
- Manumission of a child born to slave is allowed.
- If a child is manumitted after birth and there is no Free Woman to raise it, the child must be sent outside the village to be raised.
- NO CHILD AVS are allowed to portray a child or young children in Arx Pagus.
Free Women
- Pregnancy and NPC child rearing is allowed in Arx Pagus by Free Women, who have Free Companions.
- "Tummy Talkers" are prohibited. If you use one, make sure you have one that cannot be heard by others in local chat.
- Free Women may use prim babies; however, like "Tummy Talkers" they should not be heard in local chat.
- Prim babies are not allowed to be rezzed unless they are attached to an AV.
- NPC babies may be used on a limited basis.
- NO CHILD AVS are allowed to portray a baby, child or young children in Arx Pagus.
- The Healer's house will be set-up for birthing use.
- A Companioned Free Woman should not be using the Force Add-on. Doing so, you run the risk of a drive by impregnation and could lead to serious consequences with your Free Companion.
- If you are an uncompanioned Free Woman, wearing Force Add-on and not taking contraception, you take the chance of a drive-by insemination.
- If an uncompanioned Free Woman, who is impregnated, you run the risk of charges being filed for slave-like behavior. You could be arrested, charged, and punished with enslavement of you and your child.
- A Free Woman may claim and raise the child of a slave IF it is claimed at birth and manumission plus adoption papers are filed immediately.
Slaves were bred for more slaves and/or exotic qualities in the books for monetary purposes, and would more than likely be done in a rural setting such as ours. However, we do have limits.
- Slaves may be bred and carry the child to term IF the offspring is sold outside the village and disposed of immediately at birth.
- Slave pregnancies should not be flaunted since it is an affront to Free Women.
- Slaves are not allowed the use of prim babies, NPC babies or NPC children.
- Slaves should be hooded and confined when bred by an enslaved male.
- Slaves should only be bred by enslaved males not their owners.
- Slaves being bred should be bred in private.
- The allowance of pleasure during slave breeding will be seen as a violation of Free Companion laws and the owner(s) brought up on charges.
- Slaves are not allowed to be freed just to give birth and subsequently re-collared.
- Slaves freed to give birth should be Free Companioned to their Owner immediately. Papers can be filed with the Civil Authority on an emergency basis.
- While there may be a stigma still attached, a slave's Owner(s) has the option to manumit child to be considered Free IF the Free Man is Companioned and the Free Woman wishes to raise the child.
- A slave may assist a Free Woman in raising that Free Woman's child.
- A slave MAY NOT assist in raising the child born of another slave unless it has been manumitted and adopted by a Free Woman and you are helping her to raise it.
- A slave MAY NOT assist in raising the child born of a dead or absent Free Woman. The child would be sent to relatives to raise.
These ICC laws are applicable only to Arx Pagus and may be changed/updated, possibly without prior notice. Check back frequently for updates.
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